Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2005 |
21 |
Brakes Offences M/v |
2005 |
3 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2005 |
0 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2005 |
18 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/property |
2005 |
23 |
Dangerous Driving |
2005 |
56 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2005 |
548 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2005 |
107 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2005 |
125 |
Driving Licence Offences - Provisional |
2005 |
166 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2005 |
27 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2005 |
33 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2005 |
0 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/consideration |
2005 |
245 |
Dropping Effects |
2005 |
7 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta |
2005 |
2 |
Fail To Give Way |
2005 |
39 |
Fail To Obey Order Of Police Officer Directing Traffic |
2005 |
0 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2005 |
37 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2005 |
55 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2005 |
25 |
L Plates Offences |
2005 |
4 |
Mascot - Motor Vehicle Fitted With Dangerous Mascot, Ornament, Device |
2005 |
0 |
Mudguards - Use/permit Use Of Motor Vehicle Without Mudguard |
2005 |
0 |
Number Plates Offences |
2005 |
38 |
Obstruction Offences |
2005 |
16 |
Parking Offences |
2005 |
27 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2005 |
10 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2005 |
2 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2005 |
18 |
Public Service Vehicle - No Licence |
2005 |
0 |
Public Service Vehicle Fail To Comply With Conditions Of Licence |
2005 |
2 |
Reckless Driving |
2005 |
3 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2005 |
3 |
Registration Book Offences |
2005 |
13 |
Ride Pedal Cycle And Carry Passenger Over 5 Years Of Age |
2005 |
0 |
Ride Pedal Cycle Whilst Holding On To Another Vehicle |
2005 |
1 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2005 |
95 |
Speeding Offences |
2005 |
439 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2005 |
2 |
Tax Offences |
2005 |
291 |
Third-party Insurance Offences |
2005 |
180 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2005 |
23 |
Traffic Offender - Fail To Give Name And Address |
2005 |
0 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2005 |
312 |
Tyre Offences |
2005 |
33 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2005 |
17 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2005 |
42 |
Vehicle Noise |
2005 |
8 |
Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2006 |
8 |
Brakes Offences M/v |
2006 |
4 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2006 |
1 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2006 |
15 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/Property |
2006 |
17 |
Dangerous Driving |
2006 |
51 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2006 |
367 |
Drive Vehicle With Inadequate Visibility |
2006 |
0 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2006 |
117 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2006 |
337 |
Driving Licence Offences - Provisional |
2006 |
116 |
Drive On L’Ancresse Common |
2006 |
0 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2006 |
39 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2006 |
35 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2006 |
1 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/Consideration |
2006 |
294 |
Dropping Effects |
2006 |
2 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta |
2006 |
3 |
Fail To Give Way |
2006 |
62 |
Fail To Obey Order Of Police Officer Directing Traffic |
2006 |
1 |
Fail To Remove Vehicle When Directed by Officer |
2006 |
0 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2006 |
45 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2006 |
69 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2006 |
15 |
L Plates Offences |
2006 |
1 |
Mascot - Motor Vehicle Fitted With Dangerous Mascot, Ornament, Device |
2006 |
1 |
Mudguards - Use/permit Use Of Motor Vehicle Without Mudguard |
2006 |
1 |
M/V Impaired transparency of windscreen |
2006 |
0 |
Number Plates Offences |
2006 |
30 |
Obstruction Offences |
2006 |
17 |
Parking Offences |
2006 |
25 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2006 |
7 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2006 |
4 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2006 |
5 |
Public Service Vehicle - No Licence |
2006 |
3 |
Public Service Vehicle Fail To Comply With Conditions Of Licence |
2006 |
1 |
Reckless Driving |
2006 |
1 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2006 |
1 |
Registration Book Offences |
2006 |
33 |
Ride Pedal Cycle And Carry Passenger Over 5 Years Of Age |
2006 |
2 |
Ride Pedal Cycle Whilst Holding On To Another Vehicle |
2006 |
1 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2006 |
127 |
Speeding Offences |
2006 |
329 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2006 |
1 |
Tax Offences |
2006 |
338 |
Third-party Insurance Offences |
2006 |
463 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2006 |
33 |
Traffic Offender - Fail To Give Name And Address |
2006 |
3 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2006 |
218 |
Tyre Offences |
2006 |
22 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2006 |
2 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2006 |
77 |
Vehicle Noise |
2006 |
7 |
Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2007 |
11 |
Brakes Offences M/V |
2007 |
8 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2007 |
1 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2007 |
20 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/Property |
2007 |
11 |
Dangerous Driving |
2007 |
54 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2007 |
827 |
Drive Vehicle With Inadequate Visibility |
2007 |
1 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2007 |
121 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2007 |
388 |
Driving Licence Offences - Provisional |
2007 |
200 |
Drive On L’Ancresse Common |
2007 |
1 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2007 |
49 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2007 |
44 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2007 |
1 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/Consideration |
2007 |
282 |
Dropping Effects |
2007 |
3 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta |
2007 |
5 |
Fail To Give Way |
2007 |
47 |
Fail To Remove Vehicle When Directed by Officer |
2007 |
2 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2007 |
46 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2007 |
80 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2007 |
27 |
L Plates Offences |
2007 |
3 |
Mudguards - Use/permit Use Of Motor Vehicle Without Mudguard |
2007 |
1 |
M/V Impaired transparency of windscreen |
2007 |
1 |
Number Plates Offences |
2007 |
42 |
Obstruction Offences |
2007 |
14 |
Parking Offences |
2007 |
54 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2007 |
4 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2007 |
3 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2007 |
17 |
Public Service Vehicle - No Licence |
2007 |
0 |
Reckless Driving |
2007 |
1 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2007 |
5 |
Registration Book Offences |
2007 |
23 |
Ride Pedal Cycle Whilst Holding On To Another Vehicle |
2007 |
1 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2007 |
151 |
Speeding Offences |
2007 |
316 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2007 |
2 |
Tax Offences |
2007 |
417 |
Third-Party Insurance Offences |
2007 |
524 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2007 |
29 |
Traffic Offender - Fail To Give Name And Address |
2007 |
0 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2007 |
357 |
Tyre Offences |
2007 |
26 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2007 |
2 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2007 |
78 |
Vehicle Noise |
2007 |
20 |
Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2008 |
10 |
Brakes Offences M/V |
2008 |
6 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2008 |
2 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2008 |
15 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/Property |
2008 |
24 |
Dangerous Driving |
2008 |
47 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2008 |
1228 |
Drive Vehicle With Inadequate Visibility |
2008 |
0 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2008 |
82 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2008 |
274 |
Driving Licence Offences - Provisional & No L Plates Displayed |
2008 |
139 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2008 |
49 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2008 |
22 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2008 |
3 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/Consideration |
2008 |
282 |
Dropping Effects |
2008 |
1 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta |
2008 |
7 |
Fail To Give Way |
2008 |
50 |
Fail To Obey Officer Giving Traffic Order |
2008 |
0 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2008 |
36 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2008 |
57 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2008 |
15 |
Mirror - Use Vehicle Without |
2008 |
0 |
M/V Impaired Transparency Of Windscreen |
2008 |
1 |
Number Plates Offences |
2008 |
36 |
Obstruction Offences |
2008 |
9 |
Overlength - Towing Vehicle And Trailer |
2008 |
0 |
Parking Offences |
2008 |
42 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2008 |
7 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2008 |
0 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2008 |
3 |
Public Service Vehicle - Licence Offences |
2008 |
1 |
Reckless Driving |
2008 |
1 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2008 |
4 |
Registration Book Offences |
2008 |
39 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2008 |
122 |
Speeding Offences |
2008 |
207 |
Smoke - Excessive |
2008 |
0 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2008 |
6 |
Tax Offences |
2008 |
7 |
Third-Party Insurance Offences |
2008 |
392 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2008 |
21 |
Traffic Offender - Fail To Give Name And Address |
2008 |
1 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2008 |
386 |
Tyre Offences |
2008 |
12 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2008 |
2 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2008 |
86 |
Vehicle Noise |
2008 |
9 |
Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2009 |
5 |
Brakes Offences M/v |
2009 |
6 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2009 |
1 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2009 |
11 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/property |
2009 |
34 |
Dangerous Driving |
2009 |
53 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2009 |
7 |
Drive Vehicle With Inadequate Visibility |
2009 |
1 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2009 |
83 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2009 |
2 |
Driving Licence Offences – Provisional & No L Plates Displayed |
2009 |
114 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2009 |
36 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2009 |
18 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2009 |
2 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/consideration |
2009 |
2 |
Dropping Effects |
2009 |
2 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta |
2009 |
5 |
Fail To Give Way |
2009 |
35 |
Fail To Obey Officer Giving Traffic Order |
2009 |
1 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2009 |
37 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2009 |
57 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2009 |
17 |
Mirror – Use Vehicle Without |
2009 |
1 |
M/v Impaired Transparancy Of Windscreen |
2009 |
0 |
Number Plate Offences |
2009 |
18 |
Obstruction Offences |
2009 |
6 |
Overlength – Towing Vehicle And Trailer |
2009 |
1 |
Parking Offences |
2009 |
16 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2009 |
2 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2009 |
1 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2009 |
16 |
Public Service Vehicle – Licence Offences |
2009 |
2 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2009 |
1 |
Registration Book Offences |
2009 |
42 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2009 |
1 |
Speeding Offences |
2009 |
2 |
Smoke - Excessive |
2009 |
1 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2009 |
3 |
Third-party Insurance Offences |
2009 |
3 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2009 |
39 |
Traffic Offender - Fail To Give Name And Address |
2009 |
1 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2009 |
2 |
Tyre Offences |
2009 |
16 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2009 |
3 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2009 |
59 |
Vehicle Noise |
2009 |
10 |
Audible Warning Apparatus Motor Vehicle/cycle |
2010 |
1 |
Brakes Offences M/v |
2010 |
7 |
Brakes - Pedal Cycle |
2010 |
1 |
Crash Helmet Offences |
2010 |
5 |
Danger Or Damage To Persons/property |
2010 |
20 |
Dangerous Driving |
2010 |
34 |
Disc Parking Offences |
2010 |
717 |
Drink /drug Drive Offences (arrests) |
2010 |
146 |
Driver Of Vehicle Using Mobile Telephone |
2010 |
78 |
Driving Licence Offences |
2010 |
299 |
Driving Licence Offences – Provisional & No L Plates Displayed |
2010 |
83 |
Driving Vehicle On Footpath |
2010 |
34 |
Driving Whilst Disqualified |
2010 |
26 |
Driving With Uncorrected Defective Eyesight |
2010 |
1 |
Driving Without Due Care And Attention/consideration |
2010 |
229 |
Dropping Effects |
2010 |
4 |
Fail To Give Particulars After Rta/offence |
2010 |
5 |
Fail To Give Way |
2010 |
47 |
Fail To Obey Officer Giving Traffic Order |
2010 |
0 |
Fail To Report Accident |
2010 |
36 |
Fail To Stop After Accident |
2010 |
72 |
Fail To Stop When Ordered By Police Officer |
2010 |
11 |
M/v Impaired Transparancy Of Windscreen |
2010 |
1 |
Number Plate Offences |
2010 |
27 |
Obstruction Offences |
2010 |
6 |
Overlength – Towing Vehicle And Trailer |
2010 |
0 |
Pedal Cycle Offences |
2010 |
0 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2010 |
1 |
Places Of Recreation - Drive Ride Vehicle |
2010 |
0 |
Prohibited And One Way Streets |
2010 |
13 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2010 |
5 |
Registration Book Offences |
2010 |
32 |
Seat Belts Offences |
2010 |
143 |
Speeding Offences |
2010 |
234 |
Smoke - Excessive |
2010 |
2 |
Tampering With Vehicle |
2010 |
0 |
Third-party Insurance Offences |
2010 |
361 |
Traffic Lights - Fail To Comply |
2010 |
27 |
Traffic Sign - Fail To Comply |
2010 |
286 |
Tyre Offences |
2010 |
18 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2010 |
3 |
Vehicle Lighting Offences |
2010 |
51 |
Vehicle Noise |
2010 |
6 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2011 |
5 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2011 |
8 |
Brakes - pedal cycle |
2011 |
0 |
Crash helmet offences |
2011 |
13 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2011 |
30 |
Dangerous driving |
2011 |
33 |
Disc parking offences |
2011 |
591 |
2011 |
136 |
Driver of vehicle using mobile telephone |
2011 |
95 |
Driving licence offences |
2011 |
266 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no l plates displayed |
2011 |
142 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2011 |
25 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2011 |
16 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2011 |
1 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2011 |
149 |
Dropping effects |
2011 |
0 |
Fail to give particulars after collision/offence |
2011 |
3 |
Fail to give way |
2011 |
33 |
Fail to obey officer giving traffic order |
2011 |
2 |
Fail to report accident |
2011 |
32 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2011 |
45 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2011 |
14 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2011 |
0 |
Number plate offences |
2011 |
27 |
Obstruction offences |
2011 |
7 |
Over-length – towing vehicle and trailer |
2011 |
3 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2011 |
4 |
Pillion - carry under age |
2011 |
2 |
Places of recreation - drive ride vehicle |
2011 |
3 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2011 |
9 |
Refuse to give information to identify traffic offender |
2011 |
2 |
Registration book offences |
2011 |
34 |
Seat belts offences |
2011 |
115 |
Speeding offences |
2011 |
239 |
Smoke - excessive |
2011 |
1 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2011 |
1 |
Third-party insurance offences |
2011 |
360 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2011 |
0 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2011 |
225 |
Tyre offences |
2011 |
3 |
Vehicle carrying load in excess of plated weight |
2011 |
2 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2011 |
92 |
Vehicle noise |
2011 |
2 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2012 |
4 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2012 |
8 |
Brakes - pedal cycle |
2012 |
0 |
Crash helmet offences |
2012 |
6 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2012 |
16 |
Dangerous driving |
2012 |
20 |
Disc parking offences |
2012 |
570 |
2012 |
101 |
Driver of vehicle using mobile telephone |
2012 |
57 |
Driving licence offences |
2012 |
199 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no l plates displayed |
2012 |
135 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2012 |
17 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2012 |
13 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2012 |
3 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2012 |
150 |
Dropping effects |
2012 |
2 |
Fail to give particulars after collision/offence |
2012 |
8 |
Fail to give way |
2012 |
34 |
Fail to obey officer giving traffic order |
2012 |
0 |
Fail to report accident |
2012 |
27 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2012 |
53 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2012 |
9 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2012 |
2 |
Number plate offences |
2012 |
22 |
Obstruction offences |
2012 |
2 |
Over-length – towing vehicle and trailer |
2012 |
0 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2012 |
1 |
Pillion - carry under age |
2012 |
0 |
Places of recreation - drive ride vehicle |
2012 |
0 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2012 |
5 |
Refuse to give information to identify traffic offender |
2012 |
0 |
Registration book offences |
2012 |
56 |
Seat belts offences |
2012 |
117 |
Speeding offences |
2012 |
296 |
Smoke - excessive |
2012 |
0 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2012 |
1 |
Third-party insurance offences |
2012 |
248 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2012 |
21 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2012 |
179 |
Tyre offences |
2012 |
6 |
Vehicle carrying load in excess of plated weight |
2012 |
0 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2012 |
41 |
Vehicle noise |
2012 |
0 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2013 |
1 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2013 |
5 |
Brakes - pedal cycle |
2013 |
0 |
Crash helmet offences |
2013 |
3 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2013 |
35 |
Dangerous driving |
2013 |
23 |
Disc parking offences |
2013 |
779 |
2013 |
120 |
Driver of vehicle using mobile telephone |
2013 |
10 |
Driving licence offences |
2013 |
179 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no l plates displayed |
2013 |
47 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2013 |
18 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2013 |
11 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2013 |
1 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2013 |
141 |
Dropping effects |
2013 |
0 |
Fail to give particulars after collision/offence |
2013 |
7 |
Fail to give way |
2013 |
34 |
Fail to obey officer giving traffic order |
2013 |
0 |
Fail to report accident |
2013 |
23 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2013 |
43 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2013 |
11 |
Learner driver offences |
2013 |
4 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2013 |
0 |
Number plate offences |
2013 |
19 |
Obstruction offences |
2013 |
3 |
Over-length – towing vehicle and trailer |
2013 |
0 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2013 |
5 |
Pillion - carry under age |
2013 |
0 |
Places of recreation - drive ride vehicle |
2013 |
0 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2013 |
2 |
Refuse to give information to identify traffic offender |
2013 |
0 |
Registration book offences |
2013 |
20 |
Seat belts offences |
2013 |
12 |
Speeding offences |
2013 |
358 |
Smoke - excessive |
2013 |
0 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2013 |
1 |
Third-party insurance offences |
2013 |
226 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2013 |
18 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2013 |
226 |
Tyre offences |
2013 |
12 |
Vehicle carrying load in excess of plated weight |
2013 |
0 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2013 |
67 |
Vehicle noise |
2013 |
2 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2014 |
1 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2014 |
8 |
Crash helmet offences |
2014 |
2 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2014 |
17 |
Dangerous driving |
2014 |
16 |
Disc parking offences |
2014 |
768 |
Drink drive offences (arrests) |
2014 |
82 |
Driving vehicle using mobile telephone |
2014 |
11 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no ‘L’ plates displayed |
2014 |
77 |
Driving licence offences |
2014 |
205 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2014 |
23 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2014 |
11 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2014 |
0 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2014 |
133 |
Dropping effects |
2014 |
1 |
Fail to give particulars after RTC/offence |
2014 |
5 |
Fail to give way |
2014 |
43 |
Fail to register with VRLD |
2014 |
1 |
Fail to report accident |
2014 |
24 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2014 |
43 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2014 |
9 |
Learner driver offences |
2014 |
9 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2014 |
0 |
Number plate offences |
2014 |
29 |
Obstruction offences |
2014 |
1 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2014 |
1 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2014 |
3 |
Registration book offences |
2014 |
15 |
Seat belts offences |
2014 |
9 |
Speeding offences |
2014 |
205 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2014 |
6 |
Third - party insurance offences |
2014 |
273 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2014 |
18 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2014 |
207 |
Tyre offences |
2014 |
16 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2014 |
51 |
Vehicle noise |
2014 |
2 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2015 |
2 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2015 |
3 |
Crash helmet offences |
2015 |
8 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2015 |
35 |
Dangerous driving |
2015 |
22 |
Disc parking offences |
2015 |
874 |
Drink drive offences (arrests) |
2015 |
94 |
Driving vehicle using mobile telephone |
2015 |
15 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no ‘L’ plates displayed |
2015 |
123 |
Driving licence offences |
2015 |
221 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2015 |
16 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2015 |
20 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2015 |
3 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2015 |
176 |
Dropping effects |
2015 |
1 |
Fail to give particulars after RTC/offence |
2015 |
8 |
Fail to give way |
2015 |
50 |
Fail to register with VRLD |
2015 |
2 |
Fail to report accident |
2015 |
15 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2015 |
36 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2015 |
7 |
Learner driver offences |
2015 |
0 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2015 |
Number plate offences |
2015 |
42 |
Obstruction offences |
2015 |
0 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2015 |
2 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2015 |
2 |
Registration book offences |
2015 |
31 |
Seat belts offences |
2015 |
2 |
Speeding offences |
2015 |
363 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2015 |
0 |
Third - party insurance offences |
2015 |
340 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2015 |
17 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2015 |
215 |
Tyre offences |
2015 |
24 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2015 |
72 |
Vehicle noise |
2015 |
4 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2016 |
1 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2016 |
1 |
Crash helmet offences |
2016 |
5 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2016 |
14 |
Dangerous driving |
2016 |
20 |
Disc/approved parking offences |
2016 |
50 |
Disc parking offences |
2016 |
549 |
Drink drive offences (arrests) |
2016 |
66 |
Driving vehicle using mobile telephone |
2016 |
2 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no ‘L’ plates displayed |
2016 |
57 |
Driving licence offences |
2016 |
115 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2016 |
16 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2016 |
9 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2016 |
0 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2016 |
67 |
Dropping effects |
2016 |
2 |
Fail to give particulars after RTC/offence |
2016 |
1 |
Fail to give way |
2016 |
13 |
Fail to register with VRLD |
2016 |
0 |
Fail to report accident |
2016 |
10 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2016 |
15 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2016 |
7 |
Learner driver offences |
2016 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2016 |
Mirror - Use Vehicle Without |
2016 |
1 |
Number plate offences |
2016 |
13 |
Obstruction offences |
2016 |
0 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2016 |
0 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2016 |
1 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2016 |
2 |
Registration book offences |
2016 |
10 |
Seat belts offences |
2016 |
10 |
Speeding offences |
2016 |
213 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2016 |
0 |
Third - party insurance offences |
2016 |
204 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2016 |
3 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2016 |
108 |
Tyre offences |
2016 |
4 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2016 |
24 |
Vehicle noise |
2016 |
0 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2016 |
2 |
Audible warning apparatus motor vehicle/cycle |
2017 |
2 |
Brakes offences m/v |
2017 |
7 |
Crash helmet offences |
2017 |
7 |
Danger or damage to persons/property |
2017 |
21 |
Dangerous driving |
2017 |
25 |
Disc/approved parking offences |
2017 |
41 |
Disc parking offences |
2017 |
609 |
Drink drive offences (arrests) |
2017 |
76 |
Driving vehicle using mobile telephone |
2017 |
9 |
Driving licence offences – provisional & no ‘L’ plates displayed |
2017 |
49 |
Driving licence offences |
2017 |
136 |
Driving vehicle on footpath |
2017 |
13 |
Driving whilst disqualified |
2017 |
10 |
Driving with uncorrected defective eyesight |
2017 |
0 |
Driving without due care and attention/consideration |
2017 |
118 |
Dropping effects |
2017 |
2 |
Fail to give particulars after RTC/offence |
2017 |
5 |
Fail to give way |
2017 |
24 |
Fail to register with VRLD |
2017 |
0 |
Fail to report accident |
2017 |
16 |
Fail to stop after accident |
2017 |
22 |
Fail to stop when ordered by police officer |
2017 |
4 |
Getting onto vehicle without lawful authority |
2017 |
1 |
L’Ancresse Common offences |
2017 |
3 |
Learner driver offences |
2017 |
M/v impaired transparency of windscreen |
2017 |
1 |
Mirror - Use Vehicle Without |
2017 |
0 |
Number plate offences |
2017 |
13 |
Obstruction offences |
2017 |
1 |
Parking offences - all other offences |
2017 |
23 |
Pedal cycle offences |
2017 |
1 |
Pillion - Carry Under Age |
2017 |
3 |
Prohibited and one way streets |
2017 |
2 |
Refuse To Give Information To Identify Traffic Offender |
2017 |
1 |
Registration book offences |
2017 |
8 |
Seat belts offences |
2017 |
19 |
Speeding offences |
2017 |
270 |
Tampering with vehicle |
2017 |
0 |
Third - party insurance offences |
2017 |
228 |
Traffic lights - fail to comply |
2017 |
9 |
Traffic sign - fail to comply |
2017 |
149 |
Tyre offences |
2017 |
7 |
Vehicle lighting offences |
2017 |
32 |
Vehicle noise |
2017 |
1 |
Vehicle Carrying Load In Excess Of Plated Weight |
2017 |
8 |